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Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) From 14 October 2024, the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) will commence operation. As of this date, the ART will replace the existing Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA). Further information regarding the commencement of the ART can be found in the announcement made by the Attorney-General on 19 July 2024 (link here). With the transition from the AAT to the ART, some key changes include: Cases currently before the AAT, including those with the IAA, will be automatically transferred to the ART. You will not need to re-submit an application to the ART. Decisions which have previously been made by the AAT, including the IAA, are considered finalised. If you have already sought a second review in the AAT, your matter will transition automatically to the ART if it hasn’t been finalised by the AAT at time of commencement. Some timeframes to apply for merits review under the ART will change and these will be communicated in notification letters. Matters previously decided by the AAT will only be reviewed by the ART if they are remitted following judicial review by the courts. The creation of a new Guidance and Appeals Panel within the ART, which would provide a mechanism for escalating significant issues and addressing material errors in ART decisions. Further information regarding the changes can be found on the 'A new system of federal administrative review' webpage, located on the Attorney-General'​s Department website.


September 11, 2024 Invitation round today Victoria’s Skilled and Business Migration Program will be conducting an invitation round today.


Victorian state sponsorship Invitation round today Victoria’s Skilled and Business Migration Program will be conducting an invitation round today.


Free Translating Service no longer be eligible Students entering Australia on visa subclass 500 will no longer be eligible for the Free Translating Service (FTS). This change was made by Government as part of Budget 2024-25, and reflects the intent of the FTS to support people settling permanently in Australia in their participation in employment and community engagement.


Removal of OSAP countries of passport The change to remove countries of passport for automotive occupations from mandatory OSAP assessment is to instead allow assessment under the less complex and cheaper MSA program for qualified applicants from countries with comparable qualification frameworks. This change was agreed to following engagement with automotive industry representatives regarding skills assessments and countries that have similar qualification standards to Australia, together with TRA’s desire for consistency. This change now allows qualified applicants from 1 April 2023 to choose the cheaper MSA (offered in-house by TRA). OSAP assessments are still available if an applicant requires an Australian qualification The occupations and countries of passport in scope for this change are below, with applicants from the following countries applying under the nominated occupation now eligible for MSA: Occupations: Automotive Electrician [321111] Motor Mechanic (General) [321211] Panelbeater [324111]* Vehicle Painter [324311] Diesel Mechanic [321212] Countries of passport: China* Ireland Sri Lanka United Kingdom * Chinese applicants under the Panelbeater occupation will still be required to be assessed under OSAP


Ending ‘visa hopping’ in the migration system From 1 July 2024, the Federal Government is implementing regulations to stop 'visa hopping'. Firstly, Visitor Visa holders will not be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. Secondly, Temporary Graduate Visa holders will not be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/ClareONeil/Pages/ending-visa-hopping-migration-system.aspx


South Australia Update on Registrations of Interest (ROIs) South Australia’s skilled migration Registration of Interest (ROI) applications for onshore applicants have closed for the 2023-2024 program year. State nomination is a highly competitive process and South Australia received more than 12,000 ROIs for the nomination allocation of 2,300 places this financial year. All ROIs received will be processed by 30 June 2024. If you are successful and receive an invitation to apply for state nomination, please submit your state nomination application as soon as possible.


Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program 2023-24 Victoria’s 2023-24 state nominated skilled visa program is now closed to new Registrations of Interest (ROI). We will continue to assess submitted ROIs for any remaining nomination places in the 2023-24 program year. If you withdraw a ROI, you will not be able to submit a new one until the 2024-25 program opens. Information on the 2024-25 program will be published when it becomes available.


Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program 2023-24 Victoria’s 2023-24 state nominated skilled visa program will close to new Registrations of Interest (ROI) at 5pm AEST on Tuesday, 23 April 2024. In 2023-24, the Australian Government allocated Victoria 3,300 skilled visa places, including 2,700 for the subclass 190 visa and 600 for the subclass 491 visa. About 3,200 of these nominations have been used. We will continue to assess submitted ROIs for any remaining nomination places in the 2023-24 program year. Live in Melbourne


Update to South Australia’s Designated Area Migration Agreements South Australia’s two Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) - the SA Regional DAMA and the Adelaide City DAMA - have been extended and expanded. 128 new occupations have been added to the SA Regional DAMA, including construction and trades, agribusiness, ICT, health, education and renewable energy sectors. Both DAMAs have been extended until 30 June 2025, with a higher annual nomination ceiling available for the SA Regional DAMA (increased from 750 to 2000 nomination places annually). The pathway to permanent residency has been retained for all visa holders under both DAMAs. South Australia has also retained the age concession up to 55 years, a 10% reduction to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), as well as English and work experience concessions. The occupations of Grape Grower (121215), Actors, Dancers and other Entertainers (211999) and Dancer or Choreographer (211112) have been removed from the DAMAs.


Subclass 192 - Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) ​​​​​​The Australian Government has committed to implementing the Pacific Engagement visa (PEV). This is a new permanent resident visa program for nationals of participating Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste. The Pacific Engagement (subclass 192) visa regulations came into effect on 29 March 2024. The first ballot for the Pacific Engagement visa (PEV) is expected to commence in mid-2024, once all remaining administrative arrangements for the visa are in place and Pacific governments and Timor-Leste have had time to consider the final arrangements.​


NSW Government Announces a Change to Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) Under Pathway 1 Nomination Criteria – Effective Immediately The NSW Government is pleased to announce an important update to the nomination criteria for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) under Pathway 1. Effective immediately. This adjustment will make the pathway more accessible to skilled workers living and working in regional NSW, to better support regional development and the local economy. Updated Nomination Criteria for Pathway 1 Previously, applicants for Pathway 1 were required to have been living and working in a designated regional area of NSW for at least 12 months with a single regional NSW-based employer, among other requirements. Based on industry feedback at our recent Regional Skilled Migration seminars, we are now reducing this employment duration requirement to 6 months. Key Changes: Reduced Employment Duration: Applicants must now be currently living and working in a designated regional area of NSW and have continuously done so for the past 6 months, instead of the previous 12 months. This change means that more skilled workers will be eligible to apply for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) under Pathway 1, opening up opportunities for those who have been contributing to the regional economy and communities for six months. Remaining Criteria: Employment must be with a single regional NSW-based employer working from an established business premises in regional NSW. The role must be in the applicant's nominated (or closely related) occupation. The occupation must be deemed skilled by NSW. Applicants must be paid a minimum of the TSMIT salary level of $70,000 (prorated if under 38 hours per week) from their qualifying employer in the nominated (or closely related) occupation in the 6 months immediately before applying. Important Reminders: Skilled employment must occur after NSW deems the applicant skilled in their occupation and must appear in their SkillSelect EOI. Applicants must lodge their visa application onshore and must not have a current visa application being decided by Home Affairs for a permanent visa. Supporting Regional NSW This policy adjustment is part of our ongoing commitment to support regional NSW by attracting skilled workers to our communities. It reflects our understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by regional employers and migrants, and our dedication to fostering a vibrant, diverse, and economically robust regional NSW.


A new pathway for Short term TSS visa holders to permanent residency A new migration instrument dated 17 March 2022 has changed the definition of who is eligible to apply for an employer nominated Visa subclass 186 (transition pathway). This instrument will allow eligible persons to apply for a permanent employer nominated Visa from July 1, 2022. If you currently hold ( and continue to hold at time of application) a subclass 482 Visa or eligible subclass 457 visa and have been working in Australia for at least 12 months between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 and at the time of applying for the permanent employer nominated visa are employed by an actively and lawfully operating a business in Australia you may be eligible to apply for the permanent visa even if you have an occupation on the short term list. Most applicants will need to have worked for at least three years in Australia on a 482 visa, There is a concession on this requirement to two years for those who held (or had applied for) a 457 visa on 18 April 2017. Please contact us for further eligibility information…


Vietnam, the first country to join the Australian Agriculture Visa Program Australia has today signed with Vietnam the first bilateral Memorandum of Understanding under the Australian Agriculture Visa Program. Under the Australian Agriculture Visa program, employees will be recruited to work across a range of agriculture sectors, including horticulture, dairy, wool, grains, fisheries and forestry, including support services and primary processing.


I can confirm that applicants cannot combine time spent on multiple visas to lodge a valid application for a subclass 189 (Hong Kong stream) visa. As noted, Schedule 1 states: Subitem 1137(4L)(e): (e) A primary HK applicant: (i) must hold a Hong Kong passport or a British National (Overseas) passport; and (ii) must hold a visa to which subitem (4M) applies; and (iii) must have held that visa for at least 4 years. It is acknowledged that clients may hold a subclass 482 visa which is an extension of their previous subclass 457 visa; however, as you are aware, these are two separate visas with two separate visa grant numbers. To be eligible to lodge a valid application for a subclass 189 (Hong Kong stream) visa, clients must have held their current visa for at least 4 years.


Skilled Migration Program 2021-22 update: GSM state nomination allocations South Australia is close to meeting its quota of 491 visas under its GSM state nomination Skilled Migration Program for 2021-22. While Skilled & Business Migration is continuing to assess applications, the demand for state nomination will exceed our annual allocation of nomination places. To ensure the nomination of highly skilled applicants who can best contribute to South Australia’s economic prosperity and skills needs, Skilled & Business Migration is taking the following measures: Prioritising the assessment of Subclass 190 applications Prioritising the assessment of applications for candidates with a subclass 485 visa expiry date within this 2021-22 program year Prioritising highly skilled onshore applicants with demonstrable work experience who are working full-time hours in their nominated occupation for a South Australian employer Encouraging candidates seeking a subclass 491 nomination to submit Registration of Interest (ROI) applications through our Talent & Innovators Program, for consideration The South Australian Government has requested from the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs additional places under the state nomination program. If these additional places become available, further information regarding nomination eligibility will be provided. Visit South Australia’s Skilled Occupation List to view the updated requirements for your occupation.


All passengers arriving by air into Australia should ​​complete the Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD). ​ ​​​​​​​​​You can start your DPD seven days before your flight and submit it withi​n 72 hours before your departure for Australia. This is because you must provide your health information and declaration (vaccination status and COVID-19 test result) within 72 hours before your flight.​ Complete your DPD via the link below ​​ https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/covid19/digital-passenger-declaration ​


Changes to Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) and Skilled Occupation List (SOL) The following changes will apply to applications made for the above visas on or after 1 July 2014. Occupations added to the SOL The following occupations will be added to the SOL: Chef (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) 351311) Bricklayer (ANZSCO 331111) Wall and Floor Tiler (ANZSCO 333411) Occupations added to the CSOL The following occupations will be added to the CSOL: Hydrogeologist (ANZSCO 234413) Exercise Physiologist (ANZSCO 234915) Changes to occupation titles The following titles will be changed: Ship's Surveyor will be titled Marine Surveyor (ANZSCO 231215) General Medical Practitioner will be titled General Practitioner (ANZSCO 253111) Changes to assessing authorities For new applications for the above visas made on or after 1 July 2014, new assessing authorities will be specified for the following occupations: Nurse Manager (ANZSCO 254311): Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Nurse Educator (ANZSCO 254211): ANMAC Nurse Researcher (ANZSCO 254212): ANMAC. Marine Transport Professional not elsewhere classified (ANZSCO 231299): Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services (VETASSESS)


Changes to ENS/RSMS from 1 July 2014 A major change to the provided policy advice will be the alterations made to the requirements under the Temporary Residence Transition stream when demonstrating two years’ work with the same employer. Keep an eye on our facebook page or contact Australian Immigration Associates to find out more.


Introduction of Validity Period for Skills Assessments Following amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994, from 1 July 2014, if a skills assessment is mandatory as part of a visa application, it will only be valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue, unless a shorter validity period is specified on the assessment. A skills assessment must be valid at the time of lodgement for the following visas: Direct Entry stream of the Employer Nominated Scheme (subclass 186) visa; Direct Entry stream of the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) visa; and Graduate Work stream of the Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa. A skills assessment must be valid at the time of invitation to apply through SkillSelect for the following visas: Skilled—Independent (subclass 189) visa; Skilled—Nominated (subclass 190) visa; and Skilled Regional (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa.


The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will open two brand new Australian Visa Application Centres (AVACs) in Jalandhar and Pune, India on June 166


The Migration Programme for 2014-15 will be set at 190 000 places. This covers the skill, family and special eligibility streams at 128 550, 60 885 and 565 places respectively. Australia's permanent immigration programme has two components: • The migration component consists of skill stream migrants, family stream migrants and special eligibility migrants. • The humanitarian component is for refugees and others in humanitarian need. The planning level for the 2014-15 Migration Programme is set at 190 000 places. The Humanitarian Programme is set at 13 750 places. If you would like to migrate, complete our online enquiry form.


The new Skilled Occupations List (SOL) for 1 July 2014. It appears the occupations of chef, tiler and bricklayer are to be added to the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) on 1 July 2014. If you have an occupation on the SOL you can apply for a Subclass 189 visa independently rather than applying under the Employer Nomination Scheme. Chefs, Tilers and Bricklayers can contact Australian Immigration Associates to find out more.


Updates to Victoria’s State Nomination Occupation List and State Nomination Occupation List for Graduates. Home Working & Employment Visas & Immigrating Living in Victoria Running a Business Employing Overseas Talent About Us Skilled and Business Migration Program...


ACS considering 1 year post-qualification (Aus.) work experience The Australian Computer Society's Professional Assessment Manager, Berny Martinez, confirmed that a 1 year work experience employment option after an Australian Bachelor IT degree is being considered as a requirement for international students to obtain the skill assessment for permanent residency. It is also confirmed that the ACS is now moving to use a 2 stage assessment process, one being for the Temporary Graduate - 485 skills assessment and the next being a Graduate Assessment - for permanent residency.


Changes to Acceptable Skills Assessments for Employer Nomination Scheme and Regional Skilled Migration Scheme visas – 28 October 2013 From 28 October 2013 skills assessments obtained for a Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa will no longer be accepted when you apply for a Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa or a Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) visa. If you applied for an Employer Nomination Scheme or a Regional Skilled Migration Scheme visa before 28 October 2013, and your application is yet to be decided by the department, this change will not apply to you.


Indian penal clearance update PCC applications will be only accepted, if applicant had been lived, worked in India or travelled to India within last 5 years from the date of application. Anyone who has lived, worked in India or travelled to India before 5 years will not be able to apply for PCC.


A new name for the Department of Immigration. DIAC is now to be known as the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.


ACT Occupation list update Due to high demand, all occupations within ANZSCO 2613 ‘Software and Applications Programmers’ are now closed. This closure will not affect applications recently submitted or verified.


The new Minister for Immigration... Mr Scott Morrison MP will be Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and Senator Michaelia Cash would be Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Let's see what happens over the coming months.